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wls:/oamdomain/domainRuntime> help(‘all’)
help(‘abortRepositorySession’)Abort the current repository session, discarding the changes made to repository.
help(‘activate’) Activate the changes.
help(‘activateIDSConfigChanges’)Reload IDS configuration.

help(‘activateLibOVDConfigChanges’) Reloads the libOVD configuration.
help(‘addAttributeExclusionRule’) Add a attribute exclusion rule
help(‘addAttributeInEntityConfig’)Add a new attribute in entity configuration.

help(‘addAttributePropsInEntityConfig’)Add new properties for attribute in entity configuration.

help(‘addAttributeRefForEntity’)Add new attribute for specified entity.

help(‘addAttributeRule’) Add a new attribute mapping rule
Adds a credential to the bootstrap credential store.
help(‘addCertificateRequest’)Generates a CSR in a wallet
help(‘addDMSEventDestination’)Add a new destination to the Event Tracing configuration
help(‘addDMSEventFilter’)Add a new filter to the Event Tracing configuration
help(‘addDMSEventRoute’) Add an event-route to the Event Tracing configuration
help(‘addDNAttribute’) Adds the given attribute to the DN Attributes List for an existing adapter that is configured for the libOVD associated with the given OPSS context.
help(‘addDomainExclusionRule’) Add a domain exclusion rule
help(‘addDomainRule’) Add a new domain mapping rule
help(‘addDumpSample’) Add a Diagnostic Dump Sampling
help(‘addEntity’) Add new entity in entity configuration.

help(‘addEntityProps’) Add new properties for entity in entity configuration.

help(‘addEntityRelation’)Add new entityrelation in entity config.

help(‘addIdPPartnerAuthnMethod’) Sets the Authentication Level to use when creating a session for a Federation Authentication Method for a specific IdP Partner.
help(‘addIdPPartnerProfileAuthnMethod’) Sets the Authentication Level to use when creating a session for a Federation Authentication Method for a specific IdP Partner Profile.
help(‘addIdentityDirectoryService’)Add new IdentityDirectory Service in IDS configuration.

help(‘addIgfAttribute’) Add a new attribute in CARML and mapping configuration.

help(‘addIgfAttributeToInteraction’)Add an existing CARML attribute to an existing interaction.

help(‘addJoinRule’) Adds a join rule to an existing Join adapter for the libOVD associated with the given OPSS context.
help(‘addLDAPHost’) Adds a new remote host to an existing LDAP adapter
help(‘addListener’) Add a JMX listener to the specified MBean.
help(‘addMappingContext’) Create a new mapping context.
help(‘addOAMSSOProvider’)Configures OAM SSO Service Provider
help(‘addOAuth20FacebookIdPFederationPartner’) Adds Facebook as an OAuth 2.0 IdP Partner.
help(‘addOAuth20GoogleIdPFederationPartner’) Adds Google as an OAuth 2.0 IdP Partner.
help(‘addOAuth20IdPFederationPartner’) Creates an OAuth 2.0 IdP Federation partner.
help(‘addOAuth20WindowsLiveIdPFederationPartner’) Adds Windows Live as an OAuth 2.0 IdP Partner.
help(‘addOpenID20GoogleIdPFederationPartner’) Adds Google as an OpenID 2.0 IdP Partner.
help(‘addOpenID20IdPFederationPartner’) Creates an OpenID 2.0 IdP Federation partner.
help(‘addOpenID20SPFederationPartner’) Creates an OpenID 2.0 SP Federation partner.
help(‘addOpenID20YahooIdPFederationPartner’) Adds Yahoo as an OpenID 2.0 IdP Partner.
help(‘addOperationConfig’)Add new operation config in entity config.

help(‘addPartnerForMultiDataCentre’)Add partner for Multi Data Center
help(‘addPlugin’) Adds a plugin to an existing adapter or at the global level.
help(‘addPluginParam’) Add new parameter values to the existing adapter level plugin or global plugin
help(‘addPropertyForOperationConfig’)Add new property for given operation config.

help(‘addRelationshipToServiceProvider’) Adds a Relationship To a Service Provider.

help(‘addResourceToEntitlement’)Adds Resource to Entitlement.
help(‘addSAML11IdPFederationPartner’) Creates a SAML 1.1 IdP Federation partner.
help(‘addSAML11SPFederationPartner’) Creates a SAML 1.1 SP Federation partner.
help(‘addSAML20IdPFederationPartner’) Creates a SAML20 IdP Federation partner.
help(‘addSAML20IdPFederationPartnerWithoutMetadata’) Creates a SAML20 IdP Federation partner without SAML 2.0 Metadata.
help(‘addSAML20SPFederationPartner’) Creates a SAML20 SP Federation partner.
help(‘addSAML20SPFederationPartnerWithoutMetadata’) Creates a SAML20 SP Federation partner without SAML 2.0 Metadata.
help(‘addSPPartnerAuthnMethod’) Defines a Federation Authentication Method to an OAM Authentication Scheme mapping for a specific SP Partner.
help(‘addSPPartnerProfileAuthnMethod’) Defines a Federation Authentication Method to an OAM Authentication Scheme mapping for a specific SP Partner Profile.
help(‘addSelfSignedCertificate’)Adds a self-signed certificate to wallet
help(‘addTemplate’) Extend the current domain.
help(‘adf_createFileURLConnection’)Create new FileURLConnection
help(‘adf_createHttpURLConnection’)Create new HttpURLConnection
help(‘adf_listURLConnection’)Create new FileURLConnection
help(‘adf_setURLConnectionAttributes’)Set or edit URLConnection attributes
help(‘adminHome’) Administration MBeanHome.
help(‘applyJRF’) Configures a Managed Server or cluster with Java Required Files (JRF) applications and services.
help(‘assign’) Assign resources to one or more destinations.
help(‘assignAll’) (Deprecated) Assign all applications or services.
help(‘attachPolicySet’) Attach a policy set to the specified resource scope.
help(‘attachPolicySetPolicy’)Attach a policy to a policy set using the policy’s URI.
help(‘attachWebServiceClientPolicies’)Attach multiple policies to a WebService Client Port for an application or composite.
help(‘attachWebServiceClientPolicy’)Attach a policy to a WebService Client Port for an application or composite.
help(‘attachWebServicePolicies’)Attach multiple policies to a WebService Port of an application or composite.
help(‘attachWebServicePolicy’)Attach a policy to a WebService Port of an application or composite.
help(‘beginRepositorySession’)Begin a session to modify the repository.
help(‘cancelEdit’) Cancel an edit session.
help(‘cd’) Navigate the hierarchy of beans.
help(‘changeKeyStorePassword’)Changes a JKS password for specified OVD
help(‘changeWalletPassword’)Changes an Oracle wallet password
help(‘checkWSMStatus’) Checks the status of WSM components.
help(‘clearOAMOCSPCertConfig’)No resource found for clearOAMOCSPCertConfig, key: clearOAMOCSPCertConfig_shortDescription
help(‘cloneDeployments’) Copies the applications and services from one Managed Server or cluster
and applies them to another Managed Server or cluster.
help(‘clonePolicySet’) Clone a new policy set from an existing policy set.
help(‘closeDomain’) Close the current domain.
help(‘closeTemplate’) Close the current domain template.
help(‘closestore’) Closes a store.
help(‘cmo’) Current Management Object.
help(‘commitRepositorySession’)Write the contents of the current session to the repository.
help(‘compactstore’) Compacts and defragments the space occupied by a file store.
help(‘config’) (Deprecated) Navigate to the last MBean in configuration hierarchy.
Configures the ID Store also creates the External User Store Using the values supplied in property file.
help(‘configOAMLoginPagePref’)Configures the OAM login page user preferences.

help(‘configOAMOIFSaaS’) Sets the default values in SaasModule and SaaSBasicModule for dedicated mode and SIMSaaSModule and SIMSaaSBasicModule in sim mode.
help(‘configRequestCacheType’)Configures SSO server request cache type in the system configuration.
help(‘configSSOSessionType’)Configures SSO SSO Session Type in the system configuration.
help(‘configToScript’) Convert a domain configuration to WLST script.
help(‘configureAndCreateIdentityStore’)Configures the ID Store also creates the External User Store.
help(‘configureAttributeSharing’) Configures the Attribute Sharing feature.
help(‘configureAttributeSharingIdPPartner’) Configures the default attribute sharing nameid and nameid format for the IdP Partner.
help(‘configureAttributeSharingPlugin’) Configures the input parameters of the Attribute Sharing plugin.
help(‘configureAttributeSharingSPPartnerNameIDMapping’) Configures the NameID to user store attribute mapping to be used during Attribute Sharing.
help(‘configureAttributeSharingUserDNToIdPPartnerMapping’) Configures Attribute Sharing DN to IdP Mappings.
help(‘configureFedDigitalSignature’) Configure the Hashing algorithm used in digital signatures.
help(‘configureFedSSO’) Configure federation for authentication schemes.
help(‘configureFedSSOAuthz’) Enable or disable Authorization for Federation SSO.
help(‘configureFedSignEncKey’) Configure the signing and/or encryption key alias to be used for digital signature and encryption operations.
help(‘configureFederationService’) Enable or disable the various Federation Services.
help(‘configureIdPAuthnRequest’) Configure an IdP partner or an IdP partner profile for Force Authn and/or IsPassive.
help(‘configureIdPPartnerAttributeProfile’) Configures an IdP Partner Attribute Profile to ignore or not incoming attributes not defined in the profile.
help(‘configureIdentityDomainHeaders’)Creates ‘TenantAwareBasicSessionlessScheme’ similar to BasicSessionlessScheme with additional challenge parameter ‘IdentityDomainHeaders’.
help(‘configureLogHandler’)Configure Java logging handlers.
help(‘configureOAAM’) Configures the OAM-OAAM basic integration.

help(‘configureOAAMPartner’)Configures the OAM-OAAM basic integration.

help(‘configureOAMOCSPCertValidation’)This command is to configure OAM OCSP.
help(‘configureOESAdminServer’)No resource found for configureOESAdminServer, key: configureOESAdminServer_shortDescription
help(‘configureOIM’) Enables the creation of an agent profile specific to OIM.
help(‘configurePersistentLogin’)Configures Persistent Login.
help(‘configurePolicyResponses’)Configures response separator and escape character for OAM Policy Responses.
help(‘configureSAML20Logout’) Configure Global Federation Logout for a SAML 2.0 Partner.
help(‘configureSAMLBinding’) Configure the preferred binding for a SAML Partner.
help(‘configureSSL’) Sets SSL attributes for a component listener
help(‘configureTestSPEngine’) Enable or disable the Test SP Engine.
help(‘configureTraceProvider’)Configure a trace provider.
help(‘configureTracingLoggers’)Configure one or more loggers for selective tracing.
help(‘configureUserSelfRegistration’) Configure the user self registration.
help(‘configureUserSelfRegistrationAttr’) Sets which attributes from the assertion should be used as email, first name, last name or username.
help(‘connect’) Connect WLST to a WebLogic Server instance.
help(‘connected’) Variable indicating whether WLST is connected.
help(‘copyMbeanXmlFiles’)Used to copy mbean xml files from to post upgrade.

help(‘create’) Create a configuration bean.
help(‘createAdminRole’) Creates an admin role for a given application.
help(‘createAppRole’) Creates an application Role for a given application.
help(‘createApplicationPolicy’)Creates an application policy with the given name.
help(‘createApplicationProfile’) Creates an ApplicationProfile.

help(‘createAttribute’) Creates an attribute for a given application.
help(‘createAuditDBView’)Writes out a sql script that can create a view for audit in the database.
help(‘createAuthnSchemeAndModule’) Creates the authentication scheme and authentication module for a particular IdP partner.
help(‘createCred’) Create a new password credential.
help(‘createDomain’) Create a new domain.
help(‘createEntitlement’)Creates an Entitlement for a given Resource.
help(‘createFedPartnerProfileFrom’) Creates a Federation Partner Profile based on the specified existing one.
help(‘createFunction’) Creates a function in a given application.
help(‘createIdPPartnerAttributeProfile’) Creates an IdP Partner Attribute Profile.
help(‘createIncident’) Create an incident
help(‘createInternetIdentityProvider’) Create a new InternetIdentityProvider object
help(‘createIssuanceTemplate’) Creates an issuance template.
help(‘createIssuingAuthorityPartnerProfile’) Creates an issuing authority partner profile.
help(‘createJailBreakingDetectionPolicy’) creates a JailBreakingDetectionPolicy.

help(‘createJoinAdapter’) Creates a new Join adapter for the libOVD associated with the given OPSS context.
help(‘createKeyStore’) Creates a Java keystore for specified OVD
help(‘createLDAPAdapter’) Creates a new LDAP adapter for the libOVD associated with the given OPSS context.
help(‘createLDAPAdapterWithDefaultPlugins’) Creates a new LDAP adapter with default plug-ins based on the directory type for the libOVD associated with the given OPSS context.
help(‘createMetadataLabel’)Creates a metadata label
help(‘createMetadataPartition’)Creates a metadata partition
help(‘createOAMAuthenticator’)creates the OAM Authentication Provider in default security realm.
help(‘createOAMIdentityAsserter’)creates the OAM Identity Assertion Provider in default security realm.
help(‘createOAMServer’) Creates an OAM Server entry in the system configuration.
help(‘createOAuthAdaptiveAccessPlugin’) Creates the specified OAuth Adaptive Access Plugin.
help(‘createOAuthClient’) Creates a OAuthClient
help(‘createOAuthIdentityDomain’) Creates a new OAuth Identity Domain.
help(‘createOAuthResourceServerInterface’) Creates a OAuth Resource Server Interface.
help(‘createOAuthServiceProfile’) Creates a service profile.
help(‘createOAuthServiceProvider’) Creates a OAuth Service Provider
help(‘createOAuthSysComponent’) Creates the specified OAuth System Component.
help(‘createOAuthTokenAttributesPlugin’) Creates the specified OAuth Token Attributes Plugin.
help(‘createOAuthUserConsentResourceServer’) Creates a OAuth User Consent Resource Server Interface.
help(‘createOAuthUserProfileResourceServer’) Creates a OAuth User Profile Resource Server Interface.
help(‘createOSSOProvider’)Creates an OSSO Assertion Provider
help(‘createPartner’) Creates a partner in the system.
help(‘createPolicy’) Creates a policy for a given application.
help(‘createPolicySet’) Create a new, empty policy set.
help(‘createRPApplication’) Create a new RPApplication object
help(‘createRelyingPartyPartnerProfile’) Creates a relying party partner profile.
help(‘createRequesterPartnerProfile’) Creates a requester partner profile.
help(‘createResource’) Creates a Resource for a given resource name and resource type.
help(‘createResourceType’)Creates a ResourceType for a given application.
help(‘createSPPartnerAttributeProfile’) Creates an SP Partner Attribute Profile.
help(‘createSecurityHandlerPlugin’) creates a SecurityHandlerPlugin.

help(‘createServiceDomain’) Creates a ServiceDomain.

help(‘createServiceProfile’) Creates a service.

help(‘createServiceProvider’) Creates a ServiceProvider

help(‘createServiceProviderInterface’) Create a new ServiceProviderInterface object
help(‘createUserIdentityStore’)Creates an Id store registration.
help(‘createWSPrefixAndPartnerMapping’) Creates a wsprefix to partner mapping.
help(‘createWSSValidationTemplate’) Creates a WSS validation template.
help(‘createWSTrustValidationTemplate’) Creates a WS-Trust validation template.
help(‘createWallet’) Creates an Oracle wallet for specified component
help(‘createWebServiceConnection’)Creates a new WebServiceConnection
help(‘create_Order_of_Operations’) Lists the order of Operations for the OAuth Commands.
help(‘currentTree’) Return the current location in the hierarchy.
help(‘custom’) Navigate to the root of custom MBeans.
help(‘delete’) Delete a configuration bean.
help(‘deleteAdapter’) Deletes an existing adapter for the libOVD associated with the given OPSS context.
help(‘deleteAdminRole’) Deletes an admin role for a given application.
help(‘deleteAllPolicySets’)Delete all or selected policy sets from the repository.
help(‘deleteAppPolicies’)Delete policies specific to an application.
help(‘deleteAppRole’) Delete a given application Role for a given application.
help(‘deleteAttribute’) Deletes an attribute for a given application.
help(‘deleteAttributeExclusionRule’) Delete a attribute exclusion rule
help(‘deleteAttributeInEntityConfig’)Delete an attribute in entity configuration.

help(‘deleteAttributePropsInEntityConfig’)Delete attribute properties in entity configuration.

help(‘deleteAttributeRule’) Delete a attribute mapping rule
help(‘deleteAuthnSchemeAndModule’) Deletes the authentication scheme and authentication module associated with a particular IdP partner.
help(‘deleteCred’) Delete a credential.
help(‘deleteDomainExclusionRule’) Delete a domain exclusion rule
help(‘deleteDomainRule’) Delete a domain mapping rule
help(‘deleteEntitlement’)Deletes the given Entitlement .
help(‘deleteEntity’) Delete entity in entity configuration.

help(‘deleteEntityProps’)Delete entity properties in entity configuration.

help(‘deleteEntityRelation’)Delete the specified entity relation.

help(‘deleteFedPartnerProfile’) Deletes the specified Federation Partner Profile.
help(‘deleteFederationPartner’) Deletes information of a specific partner from the configuration.
help(‘deleteFederationPartnerEncryptionCert’) Deletes the encryption certificate of a partner.
help(‘deleteFederationPartnerSigningCert’) Deletes the signing certificate of a partner.
help(‘deleteFunction’) Deletes a function in a given application.
help(‘deleteIdPPartnerAttributeProfile’) Deletes an IdP Partner Attribute Profile.
help(‘deleteIdPPartnerAttributeProfileEntry’) Deletes an entry from an IdP Partner Attribute Profile.
help(‘deleteIdPPartnerBasicAuthCredential’) Deletes HTTP Basic credentials from the partner entry.
help(‘deleteIdentityDirectoryService’)Delete the specified IdentityDirectory Service in IDS configuration.

help(‘deleteIgfAttribute’)Delete an attribute from application’s CARML and mapping configuration.

help(‘deleteIssuanceTemplate’) Deletes an issuance template.
help(‘deleteKeyStore’) Deletes a JKS file for specified OVD
help(‘deleteMappingContext’) Delete the specified mapping context
help(‘deleteMetadata’) Deletes the metadata in the application repository.
help(‘deleteMetadataLabel’)Deletes a metadata label from the repository partition
help(‘deleteMetadataPartition’)Deletes a metadata partition
help(‘deleteOAMAuthnProvider’)Deletes the OAM Authentication or Identity Assertion Provider from default security realm in
current WLS domain.
help(‘deleteOAMServer’) Deletes an OAM Server entry in the system configuration.
help(‘deleteOSSOProvider’)Deletes the OSSO Assertion Provider
help(‘deleteOSSOResponseCookieConfig’)Deletes OSSO Proxy response cookie settings in system configuration.
help(‘deleteOperationConfig’)Delete operation config in entity config.

help(‘deleteOssoAgent’) Deletes an osso_agent entry in the system configuration.
help(‘deletePartner’) Deletes information of a specific partner from the configuration.
help(‘deletePartnerEncryptionCert’) Deletes the encryption certificate of a partner.
help(‘deletePartnerIdentityAttribute’) Deletes an identity attribute for a partner.
help(‘deletePartnerProfile’) Deletes a partner profile.
help(‘deletePartnerProperty’) Deletes a partner specific property in the system for property that was added
help(‘deletePartnerSigningCert’) Deletes the signing certificate of a partner.
help(‘deletePartnerUsernameTokenCredential’) Deletes the username and password used in username token profile for a partner.
help(‘deletePolicy’) Deletes a policy for a given application.
help(‘deletePolicySet’) Delete a specified policy set.
help(‘deleteResource’) Deletes the Resource of a given ResourceType.
help(‘deleteResourceType’)Delete a ResourceType for a given application.
help(‘deleteSPPartnerAttributeProfile’) Deletes an SP Partner Attribute Profile.
help(‘deleteSPPartnerAttributeProfileEntry’) Deletes an entry from an SP Partner Attribute Profile.
help(‘deleteUserIdentityStore’)Deletes an ID store registration.
help(‘deleteValidationTemplate’) Deletes a validation template.
help(‘deleteWSMTokenIssuerTrust’)Delete the trusted issuer with the trusted DN list of signing certificates for
the issuer, for the type.
help(‘deleteWSMTokenIssuerTrustAttributeRule’)Delete the token attribute rule for the dn.
help(‘deleteWSPrefixAndPartnerMapping’) Deletes a wsprefix to partner mapping.
help(‘deleteWallet’) Deletes an Oracle wallet for specified component
help(‘deleteWebServiceConnection’)Delete a WebServiceConnection
help(‘deleteWebgate11gAgent’)Deletes an 11g webgate agent entry in the system configuration.
help(‘deleteWebgateAgent’)Deletes a webgate agent entry in the system configuration.
help(‘deploy’) Deploy an application.
help(‘deprovisionTenant’)Deprovision a tenant
help(‘deregisterAudit’) Removes the event definition for a specified component in the audit store
help(‘deregisterMetadataDBRepository’)Deregisters a database based metadata repository
help(‘describeDump’) Displays a description of the specified diagnostic dump.
help(‘describeRepositorySession’)Describe the contents of the current repository session.
help(‘detachPolicySetPolicy’)Detach a policy from a policy set using the policy’s URI.
help(‘detachWebServiceClientPolicies’)Detach multiple policies from a WebService Client Port for an application or composite.
help(‘detachWebServiceClientPolicy’)Detach a policy from a WebService Client Port for an application or composite.
help(‘detachWebServicePolicies’)Detach multiple policies from a WebService Port of an application or composite.
help(‘detachWebServicePolicy’)Detach a policy from a WebService Port of an application or composite.
help(‘disableCSRFValidation’)Disables the CSRF-Validation feature
help(‘disableCoexistMode’)Disables the Coexist Mode.

help(‘disableMultiDataCentreMode’)Disable Multi Data Center Mode
help(‘disableOAMOCSPCertConfig’)No resource found for disableOAMOCSPCertConfig, key: disableOAMOCSPCertConfig_shortDescription
help(‘disableOamAgentCoexist’)Disables the OAM agent Coexist Mode(enables OAM 11g server to simply ignore the Obssocookie set my 10g webgate).

help(‘disableOamAgentCoexistWith10G’)Disables the OAM agent Coexist Mode with 10G. Obssocookie will not be accepted by 10G server.

help(‘disconnect’) Disconnect WLST.
help(‘displayApplicationProfile’) This command displays a ApplicationProfile.

help(‘displayConfiguration’)Displays the configuration properties for the product.
help(‘displayFedPartnerProfile’) Displays the properties defined in the specified Federation Partner Profile.
help(‘displayIdPPartnerAttributeProfile’) Displays an IdP Partner Attribute Profile.
help(‘displayInternetIdentityProvider’) displays the specified InternetIdentityProvider object
help(‘displayJailBreakingDetectionPolicy’) This command will display a JailBreakingDetectionPolicy.

help(‘displayLogs’) Search and display the contents of diagnostic log files.
help(‘displayMetricTableNames’)Displays the names of the DMS metric tables available.
help(‘displayMetricTables’)Displays the content of the DMS metric tables.
help(‘displayOAMMetrics’)Displays metrics of oam servers.
help(‘displayOAMServer’) Displays an OAM Server entry in the system configuration.
help(‘displayOAuthAdaptiveAccessPlugin’) Display the specified OAuth AdaptiveAccessPlugin.
help(‘displayOAuthClient’) Display the specified OAuth Client.
help(‘displayOAuthIdentityDomain’) Display the specified OAuth Identity Domain.
help(‘displayOAuthResourceServerInterface’) Display the specified OAuth ResourceServerInterface.
help(‘displayOAuthServiceProfile’) Display the specified OAuth Service Profile.
help(‘displayOAuthServiceProvider’) Display the specified OAuth Service Provider.
help(‘displayOAuthSysComponent’) Display the specified OAuth System Component.
help(‘displayOAuthSystemConfig’) Display the specified OAuth SystemConfig.
help(‘displayOAuthTokenAttributesPlugin’) Display the specified OAuth TokenAttributesPlugin.
help(‘displayOAuthUserConsentResourceServer’)No resource found for displayOAuthUserConsentResourceServer, key: displayOAuthUserConsentResourceServer_shortDescription
help(‘displayOAuthUserProfileResourceServer’) Display the specified OAuth UserProfileResourceServerPlugin.
help(‘displayOssoAgent’) Displays an osso_agent entry in the system configuration.
help(‘displayPolicySet’) Display the configuration of a specified policy set.
help(‘displayRPApplication’) displays the specified RPApplication object
Displays SSO server request cache type in the system configuration.
help(‘displaySPPartnerAttributeProfile’) Displays an SP Partner Attribute Profile.
Displays SSO SSO Session Type in the system configuration.
help(‘displaySecurityHandlerPlugin’) This command will display a SecurityHandlerPlugin.

help(‘displayServiceDomain’) This command will display a ServiceDomain.

help(‘displayServiceProfile’) This command will display a service object.

help(‘displayServiceProvider’) This command will display a ServiceProvider object.

help(‘displayServiceProviderInterface’) displays the specified ServiceProviderInterface object
help(‘displaySimpleModeGlobalPassphrase’)Displays the simple mode global passphrase.
help(‘displayTopology’) Displays topology of oam servers.
help(‘displayUserAttributeMapping’) displays the specified UserAttributeMapping object
help(‘displayUserIdentityStore’)Displays an ID store registration.
help(‘displayWSMTokenIssuerTrust’)Display the trusted issuers or trusted DN list of signing certificates for a
trusted issuer,for the type.
help(‘displayWebgate11gAgent’)Displays an 11g webgate agent entry in the system configuration.
help(‘displayWebgateAgent’)Displays a webgate agent entry in the system configuration.
help(‘distributeApplication’)Copy the deployment bundle to targets.
help(‘domainConfig’) Navigate to last domain configuration MBean or root.
help(‘domainCustom’) Navigate to the root of domain custom MBeans.
help(‘domainName’) Name of the domain to which WLST is connected.
help(‘domainRuntime’) Navigate to last domain runtime MBean or root.
help(‘domainRuntimeService’)DomainRuntimeServiceMBean MBean.
help(‘dumpMetrics’) Displays available metrics in the internal format.
help(‘dumpStack’) Display stack trace from the last exception.
help(‘dumpVariables’) Display all the variables used by WLST.
help(‘dumpstore’) Dumps store contents in human-readable format to an XML file.
help(‘edit’) Navigate to last edit configuration MBean or root.
Edits GITO config parameters.

help(‘editOAMServer’) Updates an OAM Server entry in the system configuration.
help(‘editOssoAgent’) Edits OSSO agent entry in system configuration.
help(‘editService’) EditServiceMBean MBean.
help(‘editUserIdentityStore’)Updates an ID store registration.
help(‘editWebgate11gAgent’)Edits an 11g webgate agent entry in the system configuration.
help(‘editWebgateAgent’) Edits a webgate agent entry in the system configuration.
help(‘enableCSRFValidation’)Enables CSRF-Validation feature and sets the LogoutConsentURL and LogoutConsentCancelURL to the supplied values
help(‘enableCoexistMode’)Enables the Coexist Mode.

help(‘enableDMSEventTrace’)Create a simple configuration in a single command.
help(‘enableDumpSampling’)Enable or disable the entire DFW Dump Sampling mechanism
help(‘enableMultiDataCentreMode’)Enable Multi Data Center Mode
help(‘enableOAMOCSPCertConfig’)No resource found for enableOAMOCSPCertConfig, key: enableOAMOCSPCertConfig_shortDescription
help(‘enableOamAgentCoexist’)Enables the OAM agent Coexist Mode(enables OAM 11g server to owner the Obssocookie set my 10g webgate).

help(‘enableOamAgentCoexistWith10G’)Enables the OAM agent Coexist Mode with 10G. Obssocookie will be accepted by 10G server.

help(‘enablePolicySet’) Enable or disable a policy set.
help(‘enablePolicySetPolicy’)Enable or disable a policy attachment for a policy set using the policy’s URI.
help(‘enableWebServiceClientPolicies’)Enable or disable multiple policies on a WebService Client Port for an application or composite.
help(‘enableWebServiceClientPolicy’)Enable or disable a policy on a WebService Client Port for an application or composite.
help(‘enableWebServicePolicies’)Enable or disable multiple policies on a WebService Port of an application or composite.
help(‘enableWebServicePolicy’)Enable or disable a policy on a WebService Port of an application or composite.
help(‘encrypt’) Encrypt the specified string.
help(‘essoGlobalConfigUpdate’)Reads the input file and updates ESSO global config in oam-config.xml.
help(‘executeDump’) Executes the specified diagnostic dump.
help(‘exit’) Exit WLST from the user session.
help(‘exitonerror’) Variable indicating whether WLST exits on error.
help(‘exportApplicationJarVersions’)Returns CSV format of runtime Jars Version of a specified application.
help(‘exportApplicationSelectedJarVersions’)Returns CSV format of selected runtime jars version from current Shiphome.
help(‘exportAuditConfig’)Exports the audit configuration for the Domain or for a specific component registered in Audit Store
help(‘exportDiagnosticData’)Execute a query (offline).
help(‘exportDiagnosticDataFromServer’)Execute a query (online).
help(‘exportEncryptionKey’)Exports encryption key(s) from bootstrap wallet.
help(‘exportJRFWSApplicationPDD’)To export a JRF WS Application PDD jar file
help(‘exportJarVersions’)Returns CSV format of Jars Version from current Shiphome.
help(‘exportKeyStore’) Exports a Java keystore to a file
help(‘exportKeyStoreObject’)Exports an object from a JKS to a file
help(‘exportMetadata’) Exports metadata for an application
help(‘exportPartners’) Exports the OAM partners to the intermediate OAM file specified.
help(‘exportPolicy’) Exports the OAM policy to the intermediate OAM file specified.
help(‘exportRepository’) Export a set of documents from the repository into a supported ZIP archive.
help(‘exportSandboxMetadata’)Exports sandbox metadata for an application
help(‘exportSelectedPartners’)Exports selected OAM partners to the intermediate OAM file specified.
help(‘exportWallet’) Exports a wallet to a file
help(‘exportWalletObject’)Exports an object from a wallet to a file
help(‘find’) Find MBeans and attributes.
help(‘generateKey’) Generates a key pair in a JKS for specified OVD
help(‘get’) Return the value of the specified attribute.
help(‘getADFMArchiveConfig’)Returns an ADFMArchiveConfig object.
help(‘getActivationTask’)Return the latest ActivationTaskMBean.
help(‘getAdapterDetails’) Displays the details of an existing adapter that is configured for the libOVD associated with the given OPSS context.
help(‘getAllFederationIdentityProviders’) Retrieves all Identity providers in the system.
help(‘getAllFederationServiceProviders’) Retrieves all Service Providers in the system.
help(‘getAllIssuanceTemplates’) Retrieves all issuance template IDs in the system.
help(‘getAllIssuingAuthorityPartners’) Retrieves all STS_ISSUING_AUTHORITY type partner IDs in the system.
help(‘getAllPartnerProfiles’) Retrieves all partner profile IDs in the system.
help(‘getAllRelyingPartyPartners’) Retrieves all STS_RELYING_PARTY type partner IDs in the system.
help(‘getAllRequesterPartners’) Retrieves all STS_REQUESTER type partner IDs in the system.
help(‘getAllValidationTemplates’) Retrieves all validation template IDs in the system.
help(‘getAllWSPrefixAndPartnerMappings’) Retrieves all wsprefixes in the system.
help(‘getApplicationProfiles’) List ApplicationProfile objects.

help(‘getAuditPolicy’) Displays the audit policy settings
help(‘getAuditRepository’)Retrieves the audit repository settings
help(‘getAvailableCapturedImages’)Returns the list of Diagnostic Images available for downloading.
help(‘getConfigManager’) Return the ConfigurationManagerMBean.
help(‘getEntitlement’) Prints the Entitlement of the given application stripe.
help(‘getFedPartnerProfile’) Gets the Federation Partner Profile ID bound to the specified partner.
help(‘getFederationPartnerEncryptionCert’) Retrieves the encryption certificate for a partner.
help(‘getFederationPartnerSigningCert’) Retrieves the signing certificate for a partner.
help(‘getFunction’) Prints a function in a given application.
help(‘getIdPPartnerBasicAuthCredentialUsername’) Retrieves a partner HTTP Basic authentication username in the partner config.
help(‘getIncidentFile’) Retrieves the content of the specified incident file.
help(‘getInternetIdentityProviders’) Gets the InternetIdentityProvider objects
help(‘getIssuanceTemplate’) Retrieves properties of an issuance template.
help(‘getKeyStoreObject’)Displays details about a Java keystore object
help(‘getLogLevel’) Returns the level of a given Java logger.
help(‘getMBI’) Return the MBeanInfo.
help(‘getMBean’) Return the MBean by browsing to path.
help(‘getMDSArchiveConfig’)Returns an MDSArchiveConfig object.
help(‘getNonJavaEEAuditMBeanName’)Displays the audit mbean name for non-Java EE components.
help(‘getOAuthAdaptiveAccessPlugins’) Gets all the existing OAuth AdaptiveAccessPlugins.
help(‘getOAuthClients’) Gets all the existing OAuth Clients.
help(‘getOAuthIdPPartnerClientCredentialUsername’) Retrieves a partner OAuth Client authentication username in the partner config.
help(‘getOAuthIdentityDomains’) Gets all the existing OAuth Identity Domains.
help(‘getOAuthResourceServerInterfaces’) Gets all the existing OAuth ResourceServerInterfaces.
help(‘getOAuthServiceProfiles’) Gets all the existing OAuth Service Profiles.
help(‘getOAuthServiceProviders’) Gets all the existing OAuth Service Providers.
help(‘getOAuthSysComponents’) Gets all the existing OAuth System Components.
help(‘getOAuthTokenAttributesPlugins’) Gets all the existing OAuth TokenAttributesPlugins.
help(‘getOAuthUserConsentResourceServers’)No resource found for getOAuthUserConsentResourceServers, key: getOAuthUserConsentResourceServers_shortDescription
help(‘getOAuthUserProfileResourceServers’) Gets all the existing OAuth UserProfileResourceServerPlugins.
help(‘getOpssService’) Gets a service command object that can be used to list command help or execute commands for the given service. This command is valid only in a WLST shell.
help(‘getPartner’) Retrieves information of a specific partner from the configuration.
help(‘getPartnerAllIdentityAttributes’) Retrieves all identity attributes for a partner.
help(‘getPartnerEncryptionCert’) Retrieves the encryption certificate for a partner.
help(‘getPartnerIdentityAttribute’) Retrieves the value of an identity attribute for a partner.
help(‘getPartnerProfile’) Retrieves properties of a partner profile.
help(‘getPartnerProperty’) Retrieves a partner specific property in the system.
help(‘getPartnerSigningCert’) Retrieves the signing certificate for a partner.
help(‘getPartnerUsernameTokenPassword’) Retrieves the password used in username token profile for a partner.
help(‘getPartnerUsernameTokenUsername’) Retrieves the username used in username token profile for a partner.
help(‘getPath’) Return the MBean path.
help(‘getRPApplications’) Gets the RPApplication objects
help(‘getRPSystemConfig’) Gets the system configuration information.
help(‘getResource’) Prints the Resource of a given ResourceType.
help(‘getResourceType’) Print a ResourceType for a given application.
help(‘getSSL’) Lists the configured SSL attributes
help(‘getSamplingArchives’)Save diagnostic dump sampling archives as a single zip file
help(‘getSecurityHandlerPlugins’) Get a SecurityHandlerPlugin.

help(‘getServiceDomains’) Get a ServiceDomain.

help(‘getServiceProfiles’) Gets all the service objects.

help(‘getServiceProviderInterfaces’) Gets the ServiceProviderInterface objects
help(‘getServiceProviders’) Get a ServiceProvider.

help(‘getUserAttributeMappings’) Gets the UserAttributeMapping objects
help(‘getValidationTemplate’) Retrieves properties of a validation template.
help(‘getWLDM’) Return the WebLogic DeploymentManager object.
help(‘getWSPrefixAndPartnerMapping’) Retrieves a wsprefix to partner mapping.
help(‘getWalletObject’) Displays details about a wallet object
help(‘getopenstores’) Returns a list of opened stores (for script access).
help(‘getstoreconns’) Returns a list of connections in the specified store (for script access).
help(‘grantAdminResource’)Grant Administrative resource actions to an admin role.
help(‘grantAdminRole’) Grant an Admin Role rights to a given principal who exists in the ID store.
help(‘grantAppRole’) Grant an application Role to a given principal who exists in the ID store.
help(‘grantEntitlement’) Grant an Entitlement to a given principal who exists in the ID store.
help(‘grantPermission’) Grant permission to a principal or codebase in application scoped/ global policies.
help(‘home’) Local MBeanHome.
help(‘importAuditConfig’)Imports the audit configuration
help(‘importEncryptionKey’)Imports encryption key(s) to bootstrap wallet.
help(‘importJRFWSApplicationPDD’)To import the JRF WS Application PDD from the exported pdd jar file of the same application
help(‘importKeyStore’) Imports a Java keystore from file
help(‘importKeyStoreObject’)Imports an object from a file to a JKS
help(‘importMAR’) Imports MAR
help(‘importMetadata’) Imports metadata for an application.
help(‘importPartners’) Imports the OAM partners from the intermediate OAM file specified.
help(‘importPolicy’) Imports the OAM policy from the intermediate OAM file specified.
help(‘importPolicyDelta’)Imports the OAM policy delta changes from the intermediate OAM file specified.
help(‘importRepository’) Import a set of documents from a supported ZIP archive into the repository.
help(‘importSandboxMetadata’)Imports sandbox metadata for an application.
help(‘importWallet’) Imports a wallet from file
help(‘importWalletObject’)Imports an object from a file to a wallet
help(‘initOSSOConfig’) Sets the admin server connection details and connects.
help(‘insertAttributeSharingInToAuthnModule’) Inserts the attribute sharing step into the flow. Can also be used to remove the attribute sharing step from the Authentication Module flow.
help(‘invoke’) Invoke a management operation on the current bean.
help(‘isAdminServer’) Variable indicating whether WLST is connected to an Admin Server.
help(‘isDumpSamplingEnabled’)Determine if dump sampling is enabled
help(‘isFederationPartnerPresent’) Checks whether a partner is configured in the system.
help(‘isPartnerPresent’) Checks whether a partner is configured in the system.
help(‘isRestartRequired’)Determine whether a server restart is required.
help(‘jndi’) Navigate to the JNDI tree.
help(‘listADRHomes’) Returns the list of ADR home paths.
help(‘listActiveTraces’) Lists active tracing sessions.
help(‘listAdapters’) Lists the name and type of all adapters that are configured for this libOVD associated with the given OPSS Context.
help(‘listAdminResources’)Lists the Administrative resource actions for an admin role.
help(‘listAdminRoleMembers’)Lists the principals granted to this administration role.
help(‘listAdminRoles’) Lists all admin roles defined in a given application/policy domain.
help(‘listAllAttributeInEntityConfig’)List all attributes in entity config.

help(‘listAllEntityInEntityConfig’)List all entities in the configuration.

help(‘listAllIdentityDirectoryService’)List all IdentityDirectory Service in IDS configuration.

help(‘listAllIgfEntityNames’)List all the entities available in a given application’s CARML configuration.

help(‘listAllIgfInteractions’)List all the interactions available in a given application’s CARML configuration.

help(‘listAllMappingContextIds’) List all the mapping contexts
help(‘listAppRoleMembers’)List members of an application role.
help(‘listAppRoles’) List all application roles defined in a given application.
Lists all the app stripes in a policy store configured in the config file. If the regular expression is mentioned, it lists all the app stripes matching the regular expression. If the config file is not give, then the command expects to be connected to the server.

help(‘listApplications’) Lists all applications that are currently deployed to the domain.
help(‘listAttributeRules’) List all the attribute rules
help(‘listAttributes’) Lists the attributes present in a given application.
help(‘listAuditComponents’)Lists the components that can be audited.
help(‘listAuditEvents’) Lists the audit events of a component
help(‘listAvailableWebServicePolicies’)List all available OWSM policies.
help(‘listChildTypes’) List all the child MBeans for the cmo.
help(‘listCodeSourcePermissions’)List permissions assigned to the given code source in application scoped/ global policies.
help(‘listCred’) List Credential information for given map and key names. A generic credential will not be listed.
help(‘listDMSEventConfiguration’)Give an overview of the Event Tracing configuration.
help(‘listDMSEventDestination’)Return the configuration for specified destination, or list all
help(‘listDMSEventFilter’)Return the configuration for specified filter, or list all filters
help(‘listDMSEventRoutes’)Return the event-routes from the Event Tracing configuration
help(‘listDomainRules’) List all the domain rules
help(‘listDumpSamples’) Display details of the Diagnostic Dump Sampling settings
help(‘listDumps’) Displays the set of diagnostic dumps that can be executed.
help(‘listEntitlements’) Lists all the Entitlements of the specified Resource and ResourceType.
help(‘listFedPartnerProfiles’) Lists the defined Federation Partner Profiles.
help(‘listFedPartnersForProfile’) Lists the Federation partners bound to the specified Federation Partner Profile.
help(‘listFunctions’) Lists the functions present in a given application.
help(‘listIdPPartnerAttributeProfileIDs’) Lists the IdP Partner Attribute Profiles.
help(‘listIncidents’) Returns a list of diagnostic incidents.
help(‘listKeyStoreObjects’)Lists the contents of a Java keystore
help(‘listKeyStores’) Lists all the keystores for the specified OVD
help(‘listLogHandlers’) Lists Java log handlers configuration.
help(‘listLoggers’) Lists Java loggers and their levels.
help(‘listLogs’) Lists log files for FMW components.
help(‘listMetadataLabels’)Lists metadata labels in the repository partition.
help(‘listOAMAuthnProviderParams’)Lists the OAM Authentication or Identity Assertion Provider configuration parameters.
help(‘listOSSOProviderParams’)Lists the OSSO Assertion Provider config parameters.
help(‘listPartnerAuthnMethods’) Lists the Federation Authentication Method mappings for a specific Partner.
help(‘listPartnerProfileAuthnMethods’) Lists the Federation Authentication Method mappings for a specific Partner Profile.
help(‘listPermissions’) List permissions assigned to the given principal in application scoped/ global policies.
help(‘listPolicies’) Lists the policies present in a given application.
help(‘listPolicySets’) Lists the policy sets in the repository.
help(‘listProblems’) Returns a list of diagnostic problems.
help(‘listResourceActions’)Lists all the resource actions of a given Entitlement.
help(‘listResourceTypes’)Lists all the ResourceTypes for a given application stripe.
help(‘listResources’) Lists all the Resources of a given ResourceType.
help(‘listSPPartnerAttributeProfileIDs’) Lists the SP Partner Attribute Profiles.
Lists store-type, location and user-name.
help(‘listTenants’) List Tenants
help(‘listTraceProviders’)Lists the available trace providers., including their descriptions andsupported parameters.

help(‘listTracingLoggers’)Lists the name of loggers that support selective tracing.
help(‘listWalletObjects’)Lists the contents of a wallet
help(‘listWallets’) Lists all the wallets for the specified instance
help(‘listWebServiceClientPolicies’)List WebService Client Port Policies information for an application or composite.
help(‘listWebServiceClientPorts’)List WebService Client Ports information for an application or composite.
help(‘listWebServiceClientStubProperties’)List WebService Clients PortInfo Stub Properties information for an application or composite.
help(‘listWebServiceClients’)List WebService Clients information for an application, composite, or all.
help(‘listWebServiceConfiguration’)List WebServices and Port configuration information for an application or composite.
help(‘listWebServiceConnection’)List WebServiceConnection
help(‘listWebServicePolicies’)List WebService Port Policy information of a service for an application or composite.
help(‘listWebServicePorts’)List WebService Ports information of a service for an application or composite.
help(‘listWebServices’) List WebServices information for an application, composite, or all.
help(‘liststore’) Lists store names, open stores, or connections in a store.
help(‘loadApplication’) Load an application and deployment plan.
help(‘loadDB’) Load SQL files into a database.
help(‘loadProperties’) Load property values from a file.
help(‘lookup’) Look up the specified MBean.
help(‘ls’) List all the child beans and/or attributes.
help(‘man’) Display help from MBeanInfo.
help(‘manageAuditEvents’)Allows to manage successful authorization events.
help(‘mbs’) MBeanServerConnection object.
help(‘migrate’) Migrate JTA, JMS or Server services.
Command for migrating artifacts.
help(‘migrateAttachments’)Migrates direct policy attachments to global policy attachments if they are identical.
help(‘migratePartnersToProd’)Migrates the partners from the current OAM server to the specified OAM server
help(‘migratePoliciesToXacml’)Migrate policies from different policy stores such as XML, LDAP and DB to Xacml.
help(‘migrateSecurityStore’)Migrates identity store/ credential store/ policy store/keystore/ audit store/ application policies /global policies from one store to another.
Modifies the bootstrap credential of a policy store and credential store services configured in default JPS context.
help(‘modifyIgfMapping’) Modify mapping for a given attribute.

help(‘modifyLDAPAdapter’) Modifies the existing LDAP adapter configuration
help(‘modifyPolicySet’) Specify an existing policy set for modification in the current session.
help(‘modifySocketOptions’) Modifies socket options for an existing LDAP adapter configuration
help(‘nm’) Determine whether WLST is connected to Node Manager.
help(‘nmConnect’) Connect WLST to Node Manager.
help(‘nmDisconnect’) Disconnect WLST from a Node Manager session.
help(‘nmEnroll’) Enroll the machine with Node Manager.
help(‘nmGenBootStartupProps’)Generate boot and startup properties
help(‘nmKill’) Kill the specified server instance.
help(‘nmLog’) Return the Node Manager log.
help(‘nmServerLog’) Return the server output log.
help(‘nmServerStatus’) Return the status of the server.
help(‘nmStart’) Start a server using Node Manager.
help(‘nmVersion’) Return the Node Manager server version.
help(‘oamMigrate’) Invokes the beginMigrate operation of the migration framework mbean.
help(‘oamSetWhiteListMode’)Sets the oamSetWhiteListMode to the supplied value (true/false).
help(‘oamWhiteListURLConfig’)This command is used to add/update or remove whitelist URL entries form config file.
help(‘openfilestore’) Opens a file store.
help(‘openjdbcstore’) Opens a JDBC store.
Patches the production policy store with the changes introduced by new version of the policy store shipped.
help(‘postSchemeUpgrade’)Invokes the postSchemeUpgrade operation
help(‘preSchemeUpgrade’) Invokes the preSchemeUpgrade operation
help(‘promoteMetadataLabel’)Promotes the metadata associated with a label.
help(‘prompt’) Toggle prompt information.
help(‘purgeMetadata’) Purge metadata
help(‘purgeMetadataLabels’)Purges metadata labels
help(‘pwd’) Display the current working directory.
help(‘readDomain’) Open an existing domain for updating.
help(‘readTemplate’) Open an existing domain template.
help(‘reassociateSecurityStore’)Re-associate a policy, credential, audit and key store to a LDAP or database based provider.
help(‘recording’) Variable indicating whether WLST is recording.
help(‘redeploy’) Reload classes and redeploys an application.
help(‘redirect’) Redirect WLST output to the specified filename.
help(‘registerAudit’) Adds the event definition for a specified component in the audit store.
help(‘registerMetadataDBRepository’)Registers a database based metadata repository
help(‘registerOIFDAPPartner’)Registers OIF as Delegated Authentication Protocol (DAP) Partner.

help(‘registerOIFDAPPartnerIDPMode’)Registers OIF in IDP mode.

help(‘registerThirdPartyTAPPartner’)Registers any third party as Trusted Authentication Protocol (TAP) Partner.

help(‘reloadCustomRules’)Reloads custom diagnostic rules.
help(‘reloadMetricRules’)Reloads the metric rules.
help(‘removeApplicationProfile’) This command removes a ApplicationProfile.

help(‘removeAttributeRefForEntity’)Remove attribute for specified entity.

help(‘removeAttributeSharingFromAuthnModule’) Removes the Attribute Sharing plugin from an attribute module.
help(‘removeDMSEventDestination’)Remove a destination from the Event Tracing configuration
help(‘removeDMSEventFilter’)Remove a filter from the Event Tracing configuration
help(‘removeDMSEventRoute’)Remove an event-route from the Event Tracing configuration
help(‘removeDNAttribute’) Removes the given attribute from the DN Attributes List for an existing adapter that is configured for the libOVD associated with the given OPSS context.
help(‘removeDumpSample’) Remove an existing Diagnostics Dump Sampling
help(‘removeInternetIdentityProvider’) removes the specified InternetIdentityProvider object
help(‘removeJailBreakingDetectionPolicy’) This command will remove a JailBreakingDetectionPolicy.

help(‘removeJoinRule’) Removes a join rule from a Join adapter configured for this libOVD associated with the given OPSS Context.
help(‘removeKeyStoreObject’)Removes an object from a Java keystore
help(‘removeLDAPHost’) Removes a remote host from an existing LDAP adapter configuration
help(‘removeListener’) Remove a listener that was previously defined.
help(‘removeOAuthAdaptiveAccessPlugin’) Removes the specified OAuth Adaptive Access Plugin.
help(‘removeOAuthClient’) This command will remove a OAuthClient object.
help(‘removeOAuthIdentityDomain’) Removes the specified OAuth Identity Domain.
help(‘removeOAuthResourceServerInterface’) Removes an OAuth Resource Server Interface.
help(‘removeOAuthServiceProfile’) This command will remove a service profile.
help(‘removeOAuthServiceProvider’) This command will remove a OAuth Service Provider object.
help(‘removeOAuthSysComponent’) Removes the specified OAuth System Component.
help(‘removeOAuthTokenAttributesPlugin’) Removes the specified OAuth Token Attributes Plugin.
help(‘removeOAuthUserConsentResourceServer’) Removes an OAuth User Profile Resource Server Interface.
help(‘removeOAuthUserProfileResourceServer’) Removes an OAuth User Profile Resource Server Interface.
help(‘removePartnerAuthnMethod’) Removes the mapping between a Federation Authentication Method and OAM Authentication Schemes for a specific Partner.
help(‘removePartnerForMultiDataCentre’)No resource found for removePartnerForMultiDataCentre, key: removePartnerForMultiDataCentre_shortDescription
help(‘removePartnerProfileAuthnMethod’) Removes the mapping between a Federation Authentication Method and OAM Authentication Schemes for a specific Partner Profile.
help(‘removePlugin’) Removes a plugin from an existing adapter or at global level
help(‘removePluginParam’) Removes an existing parameter from a configured adapter level plugin or global plugin
help(‘removePropertyForOperationConfig’)Remove a property for given operation config.

help(‘removeRPApplication’) removes the specified RPApplication object
help(‘removeRelationshipFromServiceProvider’) Removes a Relationship from a Service Provider.

help(‘removeSecurityHandlerPlugin’) This command will remove a SecurityHandlerPlugin.

help(‘removeServiceDomain’) This command will remove a ServiceDomain.

help(‘removeServiceProfile’) This command will remove a service object.

help(‘removeServiceProvider’) This command will remove a ServiceProvider object.

help(‘removeServiceProviderInterface’) removes the specified ServiceProviderInterface object
help(‘removeUserAttributeMapping’) removes the specified UserAttributeMapping object
help(‘removeWalletObject’)Removes an object from a wallet
help(‘replacePluginParam’) Replaces existing parameter values for the given adapter level plugin or global plugin
help(‘replaceRPSystemConfig’) Sets the current version.
help(‘resetKeystorePassword’) Updates the keystore password for OAM keystore.
help(‘resetWSMPolicyRepository’)Clean the Oracle MDS repository and re-seed with the current set of WSM policies.
help(‘restoreEncryptionKey’)Restores encryption key(s) backed up during import.
help(‘resume’) Resume a server instance.
help(‘revokeAdminResource’)Revoke Administrative resource actions from an admin role.
help(‘revokeAdminRole’) Revoke an Admin Role rights from a given principal who exists in the ID store..
help(‘revokeAppRole’) Revoke an application Role from a given principal who exists in the ID store.
help(‘revokeEntitlement’)Revoke Entitlement from a given principal who exists in the ID store.
help(‘revokePermission’) Revoke permission from a principal or codebase in application scoped/global policies
help(‘revokeResourceFromEntitlement’)Revokes Resource from a Entitlement.
help(‘runtime’) (Deprecated) Navigates to the last MBean in runtime hierarchy
help(‘runtimeService’) RuntimeServiceMBean MBean.
help(‘save’) Save the edits that have been made.
help(‘saveDiagnosticImageCaptureEntryFile’)Downloads an entry from a captured Diagnostic Image.
help(‘saveDiagnosticImageCaptureFile’)Downloads a captured Diagnostic Image.
help(‘savePddToAllAppInstancesInDomain’)To import and save the previously exported PDD jar file to all deployed server instances of the JRF WS Application.
help(‘serverConfig’) Navigate to the last configuration MBean or root.
help(‘serverName’) Name of the server to which WLST is connected.
help(‘serverRuntime’) Navigate to the last runtime MBean or root.
help(‘set’) Set the specified attribute value.
help(‘setAllowEmptyHostIdentifier’)Set the flag in the configuration to allow empty host identifier

help(‘setAuditPolicy’) Sets the audit policy settings
help(‘setAuditRepository’)Sets the audit repository settings
help(‘setCoexistenceConfigWith10G’)Configure the Coexistence configuration required to work in coexistence mode with 10g Access Server

help(‘setConfiguration’) Sets the configuration properties for the product.
help(‘setDefaultAuthenticatorFlag’)Sets the Control Flag of the Default Authenticator in the realm.
help(‘setDefaultSSOIdPPartner’) Sets the specified IdP partner as the default IdP.
help(‘setDistDestType’) Sets the distributed destination type.
help(‘setFedPartnerProfile’) Sets the Federation Partner Profile ID for the specified partner.
help(‘setFederationPartnerEncryptionCert’) Sets the encryption certificate for a partner.
help(‘setFederationPartnerSigningCert’) Sets the signing certificate for a partner.
help(‘setFederationStore’) Enables or disables federation store to a DB data store.
help(‘setIdPDefaultScheme’)No resource found for setIdPDefaultScheme, key: setIdPDefaultScheme_shortDescription
help(‘setIdPPartnerAttributeProfile’) Updates a partner to set the IdP Partner Attribute Profile to be used when performing a Federation SSO with an IdP.
help(‘setIdPPartnerAttributeProfileEntry’) Sets an entry into an IdP Partner Attribute Profile.
help(‘setIdPPartnerBasicAuthCredential’) Updates a partner HTTP Basic authentication credential in the partner config.
help(‘setIdPPartnerMappingAttribute’) Updates a partner for assertion mapping of user with attribute.
help(‘setIdPPartnerMappingAttributeQuery’) Updates a partner for assertion mapping of user with attribute query.
help(‘setIdPPartnerMappingNameID’) Updates a partner for assertion mapping of user with nameID.
help(‘setIdPPartnerNameIDFormat’) Updates a partner for updating the default authentication request NameID format.
help(‘setIdPPartnerProfileRequestAuthnMethod’) Sets the Federation Authentication Method that will be requested during Federation SSO for a specific IdP Partner Profile.
help(‘setIdPPartnerRequestAuthnMethod’) Sets the Federation Authentication Method that will be requested during Federation SSO for a specific IdP Partner.
help(‘setLogLevel’) Sets the level of a given Java logger.
help(‘setMultiDataCenterType’)This command is used to set the type of data ceter to Master or Clone.
help(‘setMultiDataCenterWrite’)This command is used to set the ‘WriteEnabledFlag’ which controls the writes to sysem/policy configuration.
help(‘setMultiDataCentreClusterName’)Set the Multi Data cluster name.
help(‘setMultiDataCentreLogoutURLs’)Set the Multi Data Partner logout urls.
help(‘setOAuthIdPPartnerClientCredential’) Updates a partner OAuth Client authentication credential in the partner config.
help(‘setOAuthIdPPartnerScope’) Sets the OAuth Scope parameter that will be requested from the IdP.
help(‘setOpenssoProxyCookieDomain’)Used to set the opensso proxy cookie domain.

help(‘setOpenssoProxyLBR’)Used to set the opensso proxy back channel(xml/http communication)load balancer configuration in oam .

help(‘setOption’) Set options related to a domain creation or update.
help(‘setPartnerAlias’) Updates a partner alias name in the partner config.
help(‘setPartnerEncryptionCert’) Sets the encryption certificate for a partner.
help(‘setPartnerIDStoreAndBaseDN’) Updates a partner specific idstore and search baseDN in the partner config.
help(‘setPartnerIdentityAttribute’) Sets the value of an identity attribute for a partner.
help(‘setPartnerSigningCert’) Sets the signing certificate for a partner.
help(‘setPartnerUsernameTokenCredential’) Sets the username and password used in username token profile for a partner.
help(‘setPolicySetConstraint’)Specify a constraint for the policy set selected within a session.
help(‘setPolicySetDescription’)Specify a description for the policy set selected within a session.
help(‘setPolicySetPolicyOverride’)Add a configuration override to a policy reference in current policy set.
help(‘setSPPartnerAlternateScheme’) Provides a way to authenticate some clients with another Authn Scheme: OIF will evaluate an HTTP Header to determine if the other Authn Scheme should be used for this Partner.
help(‘setSPPartnerAttributeProfile’) Updates a partner to set the SP Partner Attribute Profile to be used during assertion issuance.
help(‘setSPPartnerAttributeProfileEntry’) Sets an entry into an SP Partner Attribute Profile.
help(‘setSPPartnerDefaultScheme’) Sets the default OAM Authentication Scheme that should be used to challenge a user for a specific SP Partner.
help(‘setSPPartnerProfileAlternateScheme’) Provides a way to authenticate some clients with another Authn Scheme: OIF will evaluate an HTTP Header to determine if the other Authn Scheme should be used for this Partner Profile.
help(‘setSPPartnerProfileDefaultScheme’) Sets the default OAM Authentication Scheme that should be used to challenge a user for a specific SP Partner Profile.
help(‘setSPSAMLPartnerNameID’) Updates a partner for creating the NameID during assertion issuance.
help(‘setWSMTokenIssuerTrust’)Sets the trust for a token issuer and associated DN list of signing certificates.
help(‘setWSMTokenIssuerTrustAttributeFilter’)Sets the filters to constrain the value of an user attribute for an DN in the
trusted DN list of an trusted issuer.
help(‘setWebServiceClientStubProperties’)Set and change WebService Clients PortInfo all Stub Properties information for an application or composite.
help(‘setWebServiceClientStubProperty’)Set or change or delete a WebService Client PortInfo Stub Property for an application or composite.
help(‘setWebServiceConfiguration’)Set and change WebServices and Port configuration information for an application or composite.
help(‘setWebServicePolicyOverride’)Set and change WebService Port Policy Config Override of an application or composite.
help(‘showChanges’) Show the current changes that were made.
help(‘showIncident’) Returns detailed information about the specified incident.
help(‘showListeners’) Show all listeners that are currently defined.
help(‘shutdown’) Gracefully shut down a server or a cluster.
help(‘start’) Start a Managed Server or a cluster.
help(‘startApplication’) Start an application.
help(‘startEdit’) Start a configuration edit session.
help(‘startNodeManager’) Start Node Manager.
help(‘startRecording’) Record all user interactions with WLST.
help(‘startServer’) Start the Administration Server.
help(‘startTracing’) Starts selective tracing.
help(‘state’) Return a map of servers/clusters and their state.
help(‘stopApplication’) Stop an application, making it unavailable to users.
help(‘stopEdit’) Stop current edit session and release lock.
help(‘stopNodeManager’) Stop Node Manager.
help(‘stopRecording’) Stop recording WLST commands.
help(‘stopRedirect’) Stop redirection of WLST output.
help(‘stopTracing’) Stops selective tracing.
help(‘storeUserConfig’) Create a user configuration and key file.
help(‘suspend’) Suspend a running server.
help(‘threadDump’) Display a thread dump for the specified server.
Transform DB security store data
help(‘typeService’) TypeServiceMBean MBean.
help(‘unassign’) Unassign applications or resources.
help(‘unassignAll’) (Deprecated) Unassign all applications or services.
help(‘undeploy’) Undeploy an application.
help(‘undo’) Revert all unsaved or unactivated edits.
help(‘updateApplication’)Update an application configuration using a new deployment plan.
help(‘updateApplicationProfile’) Updates an ApplicationProfile.

help(‘updateAttribute’) Updates an attribute for a given application.
help(‘updateAttributeInEntityConfig’)Updates attribute in entity configuration.

help(‘updateAttributePropsInEntityConfig’)Update attribute properties in entity configuration.

help(‘updateCred’) Update a password credential.

help(‘updateCustomPages’)This command is used to update/add custom page configurations.
help(‘updateDMSEventDestination’)Update any part of a destination in the Event Tracing configuration
help(‘updateDMSEventFilter’)Update a filter in the Event Tracing configuration
help(‘updateDMSEventRoute’)Update an event-route in the Event Tracing configuration
help(‘updateDomain’) Update and save the current domain.
help(‘updateDumpSample’) Update the existing Diagnostic Dump Sampling settings
help(‘updateEntity’) Update entity’s properties in entity configuration.

help(‘updateEntityProps’)Update entity properties in entity configuration.

help(‘updateFunction’) Updates a function in a given application.
help(‘updateHTTPProxyConfig’)This command is used to update/add proxy configuration.
help(‘updateInternetIdentityProvider’) update a new InternetIdentityProvider object
help(‘updateJailBreakingDetectionPolicy’) updates a JailBreakingDetectionPolicy.

help(‘updateMultiDataCentreLogoutURLs’)Update the Multi Data Partner logout urls.
help(‘updateOAMAuthenticator’)Sets the values of OAM Authentication Provider configuration parameters.
help(‘updateOAMIdentityAsserter’)Sets the values of OAM Identity Assertion Provider configuration parameters.
help(‘updateOAMOCSPCertConfig’)No resource found for updateOAMOCSPCertConfig, key: updateOAMOCSPCertConfig_shortDescription
help(‘updateOAuthAdaptiveAccessPlugin’) Updates the specified OAuth Adaptive Access Plugin.
help(‘updateOAuthClient’) updates a OAuthClient
help(‘updateOAuthIdentityDomain’) Updates a OAuth Identity Domain.
help(‘updateOAuthIdentityDomainParam’) Updates a OAuth Identity Domain.
help(‘updateOAuthJailBreakingDetectionPolicy’) updates the specified OAuth JailBreaking Detection Policy.
help(‘updateOAuthResourceServerInterface’) Updates a OAuth Resource Server Interface.
help(‘updateOAuthServiceProfile’) Updates a service profile.
help(‘updateOAuthServiceProvider’) Updates a OAuth Service Provider.
help(‘updateOAuthSysComponent’) Updates the specified OAuth System Component.
help(‘updateOAuthSystemConfig’) Updates a OAuth System Config Defaults for the Identity Domain.
help(‘updateOAuthTokenAttributesPlugin’) Updates the specified OAuth Token Attributes Plugin.
help(‘updateOAuthUserConsentResourceServer’) Updates a OAuth User Profile Resource Server Interface.
help(‘updateOAuthUserProfileResourceServer’) Updates a OAuth User Profile Resource Server Interface.
help(‘updateOIMHostPort’)Updates OIM configuration in system configuration.
help(‘updateOSSOProviderParams’)Sets multiple OSSO Assertion Provider config parameters.
help(‘updateOSSOResponseCookieConfig’)Updates OSSO Proxy response cookie settings in system configuration.
help(‘updatePartner’) Updates a partner in the system.
help(‘updatePartnerMetadata’) Updates a partner metadata in the system.
help(‘updatePartnerProperty’) Updates a partner specific property in the system.
help(‘updatePolicy’) Updates a policy for a given application.
help(‘updatePolicyWithResources’)Updates/Creates an authentication policy for provided resources.
help(‘updateRPApplication’) update a new RPApplication object
help(‘updateResource’) Updates Resource with the given resource name and resource type.
help(‘updateResourceType’)Updates a ResourceType for a given application.
help(‘updateSchemeForPolicy’)Update authentication policy to use new scheme which replaced older one.
help(‘updateSecurityHandlerPlugin’) updates a SecurityHandlerPlugin.

help(‘updateServiceDomain’) updates a ServiceDomain.

help(‘updateServiceProfile’) Updates a service.

help(‘updateServiceProvider’) Updates a ServiceProvider

help(‘updateServiceProviderInterface’) update a new ServiceProviderInterface object
help(‘updateTrustServiceConfig’)Updates trust service provider configuration.
help(‘updateUserAttributeMapping’) update a new UserAttributeMapping object
help(‘upgradeAuditDefinition’)Upgrades audit definition from old model to dynamic model.
help(‘upgradeConfig’) Upgrades system configurations to a new patch level.

Upgrade jps-config.xml and security stores
help(‘upgradeSecurityStore’)migrates identity store/ policy store/credential data from a one version based store to another version based store.
help(‘upgradeWSMPolicyRepository’)Add newly introduced WSM policies to the Oracle MDS repository.
help(‘useProxiedFedAuthnMethod’) Configure the Identity Provider to use the proxied Federation Authentication Method when performing Federation SSO.
help(‘username’) Name of user currently connected to WLST.
help(‘validate’) Validate the changes that have been made.
help(‘validateConfig’) Validate a Domain configuration.
help(‘validateMDCConfig’)Validate MDC Configuration.
help(‘validatePolicySet’)Validate an existing policy set in the repository or in a session.
help(‘version’) Current version of WLS.
help(‘viewMBean’) Display information about an MBean.
help(‘writeDomain’) Write the domain configuration information.
help(‘writeIniFile’) Convert WLST definitions to Python file.
help(‘writeTemplate’) Write the domain template.